Sunday, July 24, 2011


 I swear I post after we do anything to the house, but most things make a huge difference! When we bought this house, I had every intention to change out every single light in the house, inside and out! Well, we have officially done it! The one skill that my brother has that is so beneficial to me...knowing how to do electrical work. He has changed out fixtures, and switched around the light switches to exactly how I want them. Our bathroom had a disgusting Hollywood Bar light fixture, you know the kind...they are a long chrome strip with about 15 light bulbs in them. Addison's bathroom had one as well, but it only had about 4 lights. I can understand why our bathroom had one since it is so big, and it only needed one light box. What a chore that was for my brother. He had to take it down, head into the attic, and put in two new light boxes for our two new light fixtures above the sink. In addition to that, he changed out our foyer light to the one that I had bought online. It is so hard to get a good picture of it at night!

We have recessed lights, and the trims had turned a yellowish color and were gross. The people before us had also put up energy efficient lights, but they put the swirly kind, which do not belong anywhere they are visible. I thought that the socket was attached to the can, and I would easily replace the trim and bulb. Well of course, that wasn't the case. The socket is attached to a wire, and you have to replace the entire can piece to hold in the socket. Luckily, I took my brother to HD so he could show me exactly what to get. 15 light fixtures later and 18 energy efficient lights later and we were set. Of course he told me not to do them myself since I would probably mess them up, but I know how I am, and I had to do them. Sure enough, I replaced them all by myself and they look 150% better! You wouldn't think it would matter, but oh my goodness, what a difference! Our house is officially lit up by energy efficient lights only, and every fixture has been changed! 


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