Thursday, August 25, 2011

Busy Bee!

Since Carlos is in school 3 days a week, and literally only home to sleep, I have been trying to keep myself super-busy. I thought this would make the days go faster, but actually it makes them go by VERY slow! Yesterday, I found myself telling him what I had done "yesterday", when in fact, I had done it at 6:30 in the morning. Lol! Besides the insurance adjuster coming out yesterday, I decided that I would get things done that were just waiting around for someone to do them. I do after all, have the time to do them, while Carlos definitely DOES NOT have the time.

The first thing I did was to change the toilet seat in our bathroom, and clean it. Seriously, Carlos was even grossed out that I would do it, but for some reason, it didn't bother me. We had already changed the seats in the other two bathrooms, and since we have 3 full bathrooms, it wasn't like we HAD to use the one in our room. There is a seperate toilet "room", so we would just close the door so we didn't have to look at the ugly padded toilet seat. Yes...padded! Ewwwww!!! So, I finally took it upon myself to change the seat, clean the toilet and floor, and patch up holes in the walls. Wow, what a difference. And let me tell you, changing a toilet seat makes all of the difference in the world, doesn't cost that much, and is super-easy to do!

I finished up about 8 loads of laundry that I had started on Tuesday when our washer/dryer were reconnected, and then decided that I would clean. I hate cleaning. I can easily look like I am organized (I fool all of my friends, but definitely not my family!), but I hate cleaning. I don't know why because it isn't hard, and everything looks so much better, but I just hate it! I will be cleaning more today...this house has way too many rooms!

My dad had patched up a corner of the wall leading into the kitchen, and it was just waiting to be painted. The problem with rounded edges on walls is that they are always dented and always get hit with everything, especially when people are carrying in ladders! We have done a pretty good job of patching things, but I still see all of the imperfections! I painted the corner which wraps around to the kitchen and put a second coat on the walkway (not quite a hall) to the dining room. I then hung things on the dining room walls (finally)! I decided to re-purpose my cute screen/room divider that I had bought at Joanns. It is solid wood and has beadboard at the bottom and star cut-outs on the top of each panel. I took it apart and hung the three panels on the wall. They definitely have a vintage feel, especially because one of them is a little warped. As of now, they are a cream distressed color, but once I hung them, I decided that they need to be painted a color. I'm thinking a barn red, distressed of course!!!

I finally took pictures of Addison's bedroom and bathroom. Her bathroom is definitely not a kids bathroom, since it is in the hall upstairs, I didn't want it to look too ridiculous. I still need something to go behind the toilet...I'm thinking some red vintage metal birds or something like that. 

 She just needs a closet door!
 My favorite picture in her bathroom! I found it at Target of all places. And, an accurate picture of the paint color!
~Click picture to enlarge~ Before and after. The color above is more accurate. The lighting is really bad. It was impossible to get a picture with the lights on, and just as bad with them off! New light fixture, faucet, towel bar, paint on the walls, paint on the cabinets, toilet seat, and of course, accessories!!! 

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