On Friday, Carlos had the day off because of the air show, so after Addison's playgroup, we headed down to San Diego. It was a little warm, but thankfully, not as hot as it was last year. This was Addison's third air show, and while I was leery to go because of all of the accidents lately, I am so glad that we got to go. I had never even been to an air show until 2009, but I think it is such a neat experience, and wanted to be sure that she goes. She loves it! Unfortunately, there are also people who think their 1 and 2 month olds should experience it as well. Nothing irks me more than the fact that these parents have no regard for their childs hearing. It is so sad!
Addison was equipped with her earplugs, okay so they're technically called "muffs", but I'll stick with earplugs. She was so excited to see the Jets! It's so funny, because she has been around them for her entire life, and been close to them because that's what Carlos works on, she clearly knows the difference between the jets and the airplanes.
Unfortunately, while we were watching the Blue Angels, she decided to run around her stroller, and tripped on our huge towel. Of course, this happened right on the very rough cement. She was so upset, and her knee and elbow were really bloody. Ugh, thank goodness for the first aid tent. I used to be so prepared with Band-Aids in my purse, but since she never fell or hurt herself, they slowly disappeared from my purse, and were never returned. I guess I better put them back!
On Saturday I spent a lot of the morning making bows, Carlos worked on the yards, and we got ready for our first overnight guests...my parents! Addison was so excited to wake up and have them here. Again, I dread the day when we stop seeing them every weekend...she just might freak out!
Sunday we went and bought about 200 feet of baseboards. When we got our floor done downstairs, we didn't have them put in baseboards because 1) they would be ugly, and 2) I DID NOT want quarter rounds next to the baseboards. So, because that was the least of the things that needed to be done, we had been putting it off. Thankfully, my mom, Addison and I went shopping while Carlos was stuck painting all of them, and my dad worked on our dining room window so we can FINALLY put the blinds up. Yay!
My Etsy shop has been on FiRe! Literally, I have been getting an insane amount of orders. I figured out how much I made last month after buying supplies, and it was more than what an average person would make at a part-time job. Woot woot! Granted, I could make more even if I were subbing part-time, but to be able to do it while staying home with Addison is AWESOME! Unfortunately, I spend most of the money on eating out and buying cute clothes and things off of Etsy!
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