Friday, January 27, 2012

A girl? Or a boy?

A son is a son till he takes him a wife, a daughter is a daughter all of her life. ~Irish Saying

I love this quote. Anyone that is married, has had a serious boyfriend, or even has brothers, knows that this is so true. When I was pregnant with Addison, I had really wanted a boy. I am not sure if it was because I had always been around boys or what, but I am thinking that's what it had to be. When I told everyone that I was having a girl, my entire family was THRILLED! I mean literally, they were more excited than I was. I had to get used to the idea that I hadn't even changed a girls diaper before, since I had only every babysat boys.

I remember my grandma telling me that every mother needs to have a little girl. She said that once you have a daughter, it doesn't matter what you have after. My mom had said that having a girl as your firstborn is ideal, because, like the Irish saying above, girls stick around. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how important that was to me. I know plenty of mothers who have to spend holidays away from their firstborn child because he is off with his wifes family. To me, you are usually closest with your first baby, maybe because they were your first introduction to being a parent, or maybe because you have had more time to bond with them. I cannot even imagine having to think of Addison growing up and having a family of her own, and only getting to see her on the days before or after the holidays, or whenever she is not with her in-laws. I don't think I know many girls who spend more time with their husbands family than their own.

I have seen it many times before. Moms who want little girls so bad, but end up having boys. There is something about having a little girl, and only God knows what that is. You see moms trying and trying to have a girl, and having 3, even 4 boys, before finally giving up and pretending like they are happy with their fate. I even heard of one girl who is still pregnant, and since she is having her second boy, is already talking about having another, trying for a girl. Seriously? Your baby isn't born yet. Shouldn't you be happy celebrating the fact that you are able to have a baby, regardless of it's sex, when so many people can't have babies?! There are just some people that should not have girls for whatever reason, it's as simple as that. And of course, there are definitely people that shouldn't have boys. I am probably one of them. Hehe!

This time around, I wanted a boy, just to have something different. It is so funny because when I think of the reasons I want a get them involved in sports (which is funny because Addison is a football-nut and loves to watch it), decorate a boys room, and not have to spend such an insane amount of money on another girls wardrobe, I think that the reasons are pretty funny. When I think about it that way, I don't even know if it's so much that I WANT a boy, it's just that it would be fun to have something different.

I see how the moms at playgroup, most of which have two boys, adore Addison. Literally, they all want to steal her. They encourage their kids to play with her over the other boys, and if I have to use the restroom or go out to the front desk (like I did yesterday), they are more than eager to grab her hand and watch her. It's funny because she is like a mom-magnet!

It seems like we all just want what we don't have, I guess. At this point, I will be happy with either a boy or girl. And no, not one of those moms who constantly has to justify that they are happy, when deep down, we all know what they were hoping for all along, but seriously happy. Because I know too many people that are struggling to have kids, and too many people that are so unhappy. It's so obvious, and it's so sad.

In a few weeks, we find out the sex. I can't wait to see Addison's reaction/expression, because seriously, she changes her mind about what she "want's" every other day. And after seeing all of the cute nurseries on Pinterest, ideas for a boys or girls room are swirling through my mind every day! The funny thing is that, while I have thought this was a boy since day 1, I have had a girl's name picked out since before then! And of course, my grandparents are dying to know so they can focus on one gender instead of the other. They have been on a name-kick since they found out, and literally spent at least an hour at breakfast one day suggesting names.

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