Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rolling, rolling, rolling

Miranda is officially a roller! Uh oh, we are in trouble. She started rolling from her front to her back about two weeks ago (I think), and last night she started rolling from her back to her front, and then to her back, and then to her front, and on and on. It was so funny! When they get out of the bath in the morning, I get Miranda out first and get her dressed and put her on a blanket while I go in to get Addison out. This morning, we came out of the bathroom and found her completely off of the blanket, and propped up on her elbows. It was hilarious. It also means I have to be very careful to not leave things on the floor. This is not good when I am constantly taking tags off of new clothes and little pieces accidentally fall on the floor. 

On a side note, I decided that since I didn't stick to my guns and only buy one dressy outfit and one casual outfit for Addison and Miranda for Christmas, I had to get Miranda a dress to coordinate with Addison's outfit. I just had too! Plus, the cutest ruffled diaper cover is definitely not going to fit her chubby legs!

This is the shirt that I got for Addison to match her Yule Critters skirt...with an "A" of course! 
 And this is the dress that I got Miranda to match. Luckily, she can wear it as a top next year!
And this was the cutest diaper cover ever that I was dying to buy her from Rae Gun on Etsy, and once we received it, I realized her  legs could not handle the elastic!

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