Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Birthday, Miranda!

Since I never seem to have the time to blog anymore, I am taking the time to blog today while Miranda is asleep. Today is her first birthday! I can't believe that just a year ago, we were going through this...and now a year later, our little firecracker is just the sweetest, funniest, and feistiest thing ever! Since it has been forever since I updated any milestones, I will start with a few of the things she is now doing. She is not quite walking, but will take about twenty steps at a time on her own. She knows that crawling is still faster! She is eating "adult-food" now that she just got her fifth tooth in. She is still missing one of her top middle teeth, which makes her look hilarious! Talk about being the easiest kid to transition from the bottle! Addison used a bottle until about one and a half, and Miranda has already been off of bottles for a week now. She transitioned right into a sippy cup with milk. I am so proud of her. She doesn't even need handle cups. Now the pacifier, that will be another story. She is saying "mama", "dada", and still saying "gaw" for dog and cat. She says "A" for Addison, and we swear she was saying "duck" the other day. My parents got her a water table, so she has been really into playing with that. She LOVES water. From now on, we will probably be celebrating her birthday at the water park. Much easier than a party! She doesn't go to the doctor until August 7th, and I can't wait to see what her stats are!

 I'm not sure how long it will last, but Miranda LOVES her sister!


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