Friday, August 16, 2013

First week of {Transitional} Kindergarten!

Since Addison has a November birthday, and California is trying to push back the start age for kindergarten, she is going to transitional kindergarten. Eventually, they are trying to push the date so that the kids have to be 5 by September 1st. I had always planned on putting her in kindergarten, but since she is so small, and I don't love the idea of her starting middle school and high school so young (times have changed since we were all in school), I was okay with it. She is in a good school, but I will say, I had my reservations after the first day/orientation. Some of the kids are so immature and were crying hysterically when their parents tried to leave. I was also really nervous about her being a late bird. We are awesome at getting out the door at 8:45 (and have been doing so since Miranda was born), so I wasn't sure how it would be to take her at 10:30. It has actually been such a blessing because they can sleep until 8 if they want to (super-late for, and we can take our time eating breakfast. Yay!

On the first day of school, it was more of an orientation so parents stayed with the kids for two hours. This was actually awesome because it made it much easier to leave the following day. I couldn't believe it, but I didn't even cry! Addison is so brave and is such a great friend to the other kids, so I knew she'd be fine. We went to her old preschool to drop off the book that I had made of her crafts and weekly letters. Her teacher wanted to use it for B2S night. The teachers all reminded me that although she's small, Addison will definitely speak up for herself. That gave me a lot of reassurance, because that is my biggest fear, her getting left behind or not expressing her needs.

When I picked her up yesterday, she came out with her green card, and couldn't stop talking about her new friends and how she was trying to help her friends stay on green as well.  She was so excited that one of her friends liked her Teen Beach Movie lunch bag. Yes, TBM! I think I have that movie and cd memorized by now!
She is the queen of shoes!
I wanted to do something fun for her, so tomorrow we are going with my parents to Goofy's Kitchen. She was sick when we went last time, so she is really excited to go!

***On a side note, I feel like the past month has been a plethora of doctor visits. For two kids who are never sick, this month has been crazy. Miranda had a high fever that wouldn't go down, and since it was the weekend, they told us to go to the ER. I am not a person who runs to the ER, or the doctor for that matter, for every little thing, so that was quite an experience. They said she seemed fine and might possibly have an ear infection. She was given amoxicillin. At her scheduled one year checkup, she had broken out into a rash. The doctor thought it was either an allergy to the amoxicillin, or a virus. Addison has a crazy rash on her legs that looks like ringworm (it's not), so she was seen as well. Her rash is still here 4 weeks and a bunch of medicines later, so she now has a dermatology TWO months. Ugh! Miranda is perfectly fine now, of course.

The good news is that our hospital is opening up next month, and we got to go on a tour. It is really nice, more like a hotel. It will be nice to have a hospital so incredibly close!
 (In the waiting room at the new hospital)

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