Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Believe it or not...

I am amazed at how freely people open their mouths. The truth is, everyone gossips. I guess that is part of being a female. Seriously, I don't know one person that I speak to who has not said something about someone or another. And honestly, most of it is petty. There are things that I won't say, things that are just below the belt, but I am having a hard time understanding why people can freely join in on the gossip, and then just as freely, open their mouths and mention to that person only what you've said. Honestly, the last time I checked, if someone is talking about others, they are probably talking about you too. If someone is willing to tell you what others have said about you, especially when they aren't your BFF, you have to be smart enough to realize that they were a part of a conversation. Talking about people is, 99% of the time, a 2-way street. So, the next time someone tells you that someone has said something about you, just think of what they have also said about you, and realize that most of what they are saying, is completely twisted. Drama is for high school. Confrontations and gossip with people who aren't even your friends should be left to 16 year olds. On that note, it's easy to ignore the drama when the person being talked about believes everything they hear.Photobucket

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