I believe in Karma. If the good is sown, the good is collected. When positive things are made, that returns well.
Isn't this so true? I believe in karma. I believe that if you do good things for other people, good things will happen to you. It doesn't have to be about making monetary donations, since some people do that for the tax write-off rather than the goodness of their heart. Listening when a friend is in need, keeping people in your prayers, or if you don't pray, thinking good thoughts for those that are going through troubling times, donating items or your time...whatever it may be, putting something out there for others, always gets rewarded. I see it everyday.
Those who are constantly trying to be like others, trying to have what others have, or being jealous of the good fortunes of others, will never fully appreciate what good can come their way. I see people that are angry at the world, and just want to tell them, if they turn that anger into something positive, they will reap the rewards. Even if something doesn't go your way, look at everything positive going on in your life, look at your family, friends, loved ones, children, and nothing else matters. There is no need to be unhappy, because nothing good will come of it.
With our house hunting, and with our house that we now have, there have always been ups and downs. Thankfully, the negative always turns into something positive in the end. I don't let the negatives bother me. It is so much easier to just fix what is broken, and enjoy what you have in the end. If someone had taken a look at our house when it was for sale, they might not have seen what it could turn into. I pride myself in seeing beyond ugly carpet and paint colors, but even when looking at it, I really couldn't see past it. I allowed myself to look at the negative (gross carpet and nail holes in every wall and every space imaginable), and almost missed out on a great opportunity to have an amazing house that is perfect for our family.
The point of this rambling is...take time to do something good for those around you, even if you don't personally know them. Appreciate everything, even if it doesn't seem that great at the beginning. And of course, enjoy the rewards of doing this, and you will always be happy!
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