Wednesday, February 22, 2012

5 Months

Weeks: 21 (5 months) Although the baby is measuring a week ahead =) I am so opposed to a baby having to share their birthday with a holiday. Especially a holiday where everyone is out of town and everything is closed.

Weight gain: 6 lbs since day 1 (Cooking meals and desserts off of Pinterest KILLED me this month!) Luckily my blood pressure and everything is still good.

Cravings: My cravings for sweets definitely showed when I went to the doctor this morning. No cravings really this month. The only thing I CRAVE is water. I drink over 100 ounces a day. Yes, I said 100!

Symptoms/Changes: Still having back pain. It isn't even so much normal back pain as it is discomfort.

Differences I've noticed this time around: The baby has finally made her way North. She was always soooo low, and I feel like my stomach is still low, but she is definitely right where Addison was. I would joke that Addison was a good push-up bra...this baby seems to be the same. When I was pregnant with Addison, my skin was SUPER-DUPER clear. This time around, it is still good, but I have noticed a couple of pimples every few weeks. Eek. I guess it's better than the old wives' tales that say that girls make you break out really bad. 

Things Addison says about the baby: She has been saying "my brother or sister" for so long now, that sometimes she has to pause to remember that she's having a sister. Now that she has helped me hang and organize about a million baby clothes and look at all of the new bows she has, she is definitely not calling her sister a "brother" anymore.

Miscellaneous: We found out the AFP results are all negative. That's always a nerve-wracking thing to wait for. I knew they were fine because my doctor would have called me if they weren't, but I was still worried. The nurse practitioner explained them and said that even though they are negative, most doctors won't tell you that there is still a risk cut-off number that most people don't know about. All of my numbers came back at the lowest possible risk. I also found out that all of the measurements on the ultrasound were good. When I'm pregnant, I'm a worry-wort. I guess it carries over into when the baby's born, as they grow up, and so on. Lol!


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