Yesterday we went to look at and enroll Addison in preschool. I wanted her to go to a church-based preschool, as well as one that focuses on learning at every aspect, and not just a daycare or playgroup type setting. She is used to constant learning regardless of what we're doing. I think that's why her language skills are so high. Even the preschool director noted how great her language skills were. That makes me happy, especially since language and vocabulary are the basis for all learning.
I love the fact that they go to chapel every other week, and incorporate faith-based learning into their monthly units. It looks like she will have so much fun. She went right in and started playing with the kids and they loved her. They probably thought she was a baby since she's so small.
The preschool follows the district school schedule, so they are in school from August to June. They follow all of the same holidays and breaks, which is awesome for those that have older kids. She will start this year going Tuesday and Thursday from 9-12. You can also pay a little extra to have them stay and eat their lunch with the kids who stay until 2. We may do this since I know she'd love it! Since I mentioned preschool she's been as about it every day. Now that she's visited, it's even worse. This will be a long 6 months for her. And unfortunately, now that playgroup has been switched to Thursdays, she won't be going to playgroup once she starts school.

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