Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weekend Fun

On Saturday we went to our neighbor's birthday party. Kloe turned 5, so of course there was a jumper, and they had the party catered by a really good barbecue company that enters barbecue competitions and everything. Addison had so much fun, and definitely didn't want to go home. They picked up the jumper at about 8:30, and that was when we finally started to make our way home. I'm surprised she wasn't crying!

When we were looking at houses, we looked in just about every neighborhood. The neighborhoods that people claim to be the "best" were the ones we were most turned off from, either because of the neighbors, annoying barking dogs, or weird home layouts that would never work for us. Even with an association, I don't really like the look of peoples cars in driveways that look like they are being worked on, or not worked on at all. It just drives me nuts. It totally makes a neighborhood look junky. I always thought an association wouldn't allow things like that. When we found our street, we fell in love. It was generally very quiet regardless of what time we came to visit, and everyone was VERY friendly. When the short sale was taking too long, and we found our house at the opposite end of the street, we went for it. It was the size and the yard that I fell in love with, since I already knew that I liked the street. Did we rush into buying this house? For the biggest purchase you will ever make in your life, yes we did! But, it has turned out to be the best decision we have ever made. When we were first working on the house, we had a ton of neighbors come over to meet us.

Since then, it seems like we are always working on something, so we don't see the neighbors as often. We were invited to a barbecue last weekend, and it was so much fun. Addison would not get off of their trampoline for hours! She loves the kids so much. It helps that there are 3 little girls all within a year and a half of her. Our street is definitely all girls...older and younger. It's so funny! Now that we have been here for almost a year, it is obvious that we picked the good end of the street. Most of the neighbors have owned their homes since they were built. The only bad thing is that all of the moms of the younger girls work, so the only time to see them is if they happen to be out at night, or on the weekend. 

On Sunday, we met my parents at Lowe's so we could get trees for our backyard. I originally wanted Japanese Weeping Maples since they are so pretty, but we had about 3 people stop us and tell us that they die if they don't have shade. Well, our backyard gets sun most of the day, so those were out. I have a definite dislike for fruit trees. I don't know if it's the fact that I'm afraid that they'll bring ants or rodents, but I have never wanted fruit trees. The problem is, they have the nicest looking leaves. I am always drawn to the actual trees. So, I finally caved and decided we could get fruit trees. Maybe they won't actually grow fruit. =) We got a nectarine and cherry tree. Addison has a fascination with cherries. Hopefully they will actually grow and not die. Our soil is so weird. Some things thrive, and others don't...like the grass in our backyard right now. We also inherited a boxwood from our neighbor. They had it in a pot in their driveway, so I assumed it was something they had just gotten. I hadn't seen it up close, so I didn't know that it was a boxwood. It looked like a big bush that would be perfect for the side of our patio. When we saw them on Saturday night, we asked what it was. He had joked that it never got planted and he'd had it in that pot for three years. He then told us to take it. AWESOME! We have boxwoods in our side/front yard, but they take FOREVER to grow, so it was awesome that this was already huge. I love the fact that it has just grown and is so bushy looking!

Our nectarine tree at the back of our yard. Hopefully it brings lots of shade once it grows, and doesn't blow away!
 The boxwood. I seriously LOVE it! This is on the side of our patio and it was all gravel (and weeds), so this was the perfect filler for that area!
 The small little cherry tree. Obviously we need many more plants than what we already have! 


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