Friday, June 1, 2012

35 Weeks

Weeks: 35 weeks (9 months next week)

Weight gain: 21 lbs. I am actually happy that I only gained one additional pound, since the last month or so seems to be when people gain the most. I told the doctor I need to save my weight gain for the fair next weekend!

Cravings: ICE! Is that strange??? I usually drink my water out of a 32 oz bottle, which is how I know I drink well over 100 ozs of water a day, but lately I have been drinking water in a glass as well, just so I could eat the ice. I am also in love with Otter Pops, and anything that is made with ice.  

Symptoms/Changes: My stomach grew another inch! It's funny because one of my neighbors didn't even know I was pregnant until I turned to the side. If you look at me from the front (with a dark shirt on, of course), I look like I've gained about 5 lbs, but don't look pregnant. Then I turn to the side and you can definitely see my stomach. I guess that is a "benefit" of being pregnant with a girl...rarely do you carry wide, it's always right out in front!

Differences I've noticed this time around: I'm totally OVER being pregnant!!! Everyone would always say that the last month, two weeks, etc, are the worst. I never understood, because with Addison, I never felt like I was going to go crazy if I was pregnant one day later. She could have stayed in for another month and I don't think it would have bothered me. Yes, I would get tired, but not exhausted as I am now. I was sleeping somewhat okay, and my body wasn't aching. This time, I now understand what people are talking about when they say that they are "done" being pregnant. I am jealous of people that have single-story homes. Not literally of course, since I love having bedrooms on a completely different floor than everything else, but when pregnant, it would be nice to have a single-story home. That being said, the stairs are the only form of "exercise" that I get, besides just normally walking around, playing with Addison, and doing housework/yardwork. 

Things Addison says about the baby: Yesterday was her last day of playgroup. One of the moms had her new baby there. Right away, Addison looked at my stomach and said, "Mama, I miss MY baby!" Awwww! It's so cute that she understands what's going on. I think when siblings are closer together, they are more like friends, but when they are a little further apart, they don't tend to miss out on attention or bonding time, and they have such a different connection. I can't wait to see how Addison is with her sister. I think she is going to be a great helper. Maybe too good!

Miscellaneous: I am still so happy that despite the morning sickness in the beginning, and the aches and pains throughout, this pregnancy has been a good one. I only had to do the one hour glucose test (yay), my blood sugar has always been good, my blood pressure has been good, and despite what I think, my weight gain has been good. I feel like I have been craving sugar a lot (well, not lately), but honestly, it really was in moderation most of the time. That is what people don't understand. I learned a ton from Carlos' nutrition class, and even saved the book because it was THAT good, but everyone wants to cut this and that out of their diets. The problem is, that you NEED a little bit of everything. So is it healthy to cut out carbs, sugars, dairy completely??? Definitely not. It always amazes me when people go on these crazy diets, because it's not good for your body, and eventually it ends up taking a toll on your health. That is the one thing I have tried to remember throughout this pregnancy. Nothing will kill you when you are a healthy person. And by healthy, I mean statistically based on your numbers when you go to the doctor (blood sugar, triglycerides, blood pressure, etc). One thing I hate to hear a pregnant person say: "I'm eating for two!" Yes, but not two grown adults!!! Lol! I feel like I'm eating for 5 sometimes, but it's not because "I can", it's because I'm actually hungry.


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