Friday, October 5, 2012


I've decided that I need to make some goals and put them in writing. I have always been good with money, but I could definitely be better when it comes to spending. I love shopping. We would honestly have at least double what we have in savings if I didn't shop so much. But, I also save. We have a decent amount of money in emergency fund if you will. I am determined to meet my goals WITHOUT touching our savings.

Goal 1: Pay off the medical bills by the end of the year. We've spent a fortune so far, and have about $4,000 to go. I'm derermined to get it paid off this year. Yay for the huge tax write-off!

Goal 2: Pay off Carlos' car which should have been paid off years ago. I used to lease cars because I'd get new cars every 3 yrs. We've obviously kept this car since Carlos commutes 500+ miles a week. I want it paid off by March. A year early. We can do it! And the positive from that is that we don't lease cars anymore. Thank you Carlos for being smart enough to buy your truck. That's the reason I now have my awesome mom-car!

Goal 3: FINALLY get a vinyl patio cover! If we didn't have our Panda Bear we'd have our patio cover. I'll take Miranda over a patio cover any day. Unfortunately our patio is pretty large, which means that the patio cover isn't cheap. That's why it keeps getting put off.

Goal 4: Get a new back door. I know this is a weird one, but I want a new sliding door with the blinds built into the window. I would love french doors with sidelights that open, but I'm too chicken to have doors with windows open to the world, and can't imagine putting a screen in front of beautiful french doors. With kids, screens on the back door are a must.

There you have it...about $12,000 in goals. I'm about 95% positive I can accomplish them. Fingers crossed.


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