We went to Addison's new doctor since she needed a flu shot. Since she had never been there before, she also needed her almost-three year old checkup. She ended up getting the flu mist. Apparently, the doctor said it works faster than the shot since it goes directly into your nose, your body fights it within 2 weeks, as opposed to the shot which takes a month. (You learn something new every day). The doctor was very impressed with her speech, and said that at 3, people should be able to understand 75% of their extensive vocabulary, so she is right on target. Seriously, the things she says are hysterical. ("Well what do you know, another sock!" as we are unloading the dryer).
She weighs 32 lbs and is 35" tall. She is in the 8th percentile for height, which I LOVE! She was always one of those babies that was in the 95th percentile for height, up until about 1 year old. We knew genetics would eventually kick in, and they definitely have. I love it though, because it makes her look her age longer, and of course, she's still our little baby. Plus, people always love the little ones. I think it's because they still look babyish. Do I really want her to look like a 5 year old when she isn't quite 3??? No thanks. She is right on for weight, and was able to perform all of the skills that the doctor asked of her...jumping, lifting each leg, clapping with her eyes closed, etc.
And best of all, when she got her second Hepatitis A shot, she didn't even cry. She had been excited to go to the doctor, but I really thought once she got her shot, she might freak out and scream bloody murder. Not a sound. She is so brave!
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